I recently moved into a new home and one of the things that has been bothering me is the appearance of my garage door. It looks outdated and doesn’t match the rest of my home’s aesthetic. I’ve been looking for ways to disguise it and make it look better, so I did some research and found some great ideas from Garage Door Victorville CA.

First, I thought about painting the garage door. This seemed like a simple solution and would definitely give it a fresh look. I considered matching the color of the garage door to the rest of my home or maybe even choosing a bold color that would stand out. However, after looking at some pictures online, I realized that a painted garage door still looks like a garage door. I wanted something that would completely transform the appearance.

That’s when I came across the idea of adding decorative hardware. I saw pictures of garage doors that had been transformed to look like carriage doors, and I loved the look. It was a simple idea, but the hardware made all the difference. I started looking for different types of hardware and found that there were so many options available. I could choose simple handles and hinges or something more ornate. I decided to go for a simple yet elegant design, and it really did make the garage door look like carriage doors.

Another option I considered was adding a trellis above the garage door. I have always loved the look of greenery growing up a trellis, and I thought it would be a great way to add some natural beauty to the area. I looked at different types of trellises and decided on a wooden one that would match the rest of my home’s exterior. I planted some climbing plants and waited for them to grow up the trellis. It took some time, but eventually, the plants covered the trellis and created a natural screen that hid the garage door.

Next, I considered the option of covering the garage door with siding. This seemed like a more permanent solution, but it would definitely give the area a cohesive look. I researched different types of siding and decided on vinyl siding because it was durable and low maintenance. It took some time to install the siding, but the result was amazing. The garage door looked like a seamless part of the rest of the house, and it completely transformed the appearance of the area.

Another idea I considered was creating a mural on the garage door. This was a bit more ambitious, but I love art and thought it would be a great way to showcase my creativity. I looked at different ideas and finally decided on a beach scene. I spent a few weekends painting the mural, and I was really pleased with the result. The garage door looked like a piece of art, and it was a great conversation starter when people came to visit.

I also thought about adding shutters to the sides of the garage door. This was a simple yet effective solution that would make the garage door look like windows. I looked at different styles and finally decided on wooden shutters that would match the trellis. They were easy to install, and they really added some visual interest to the area.

Finally, I considered adding some lighting to the area. I had seen pictures of garage doors with sconces on either side, and I thought it would be a great way to draw attention away from the door itself. I found some great outdoor sconces and had them installed. The result was amazing – the area looked warm and inviting, and the garage door was no longer the focal point.

In conclusion, as stated in Garage Door Victorville CA, there are so many ways to disguise a garage door. Painting it, adding decorative hardware, installing a trellis or pergola, covering it with siding, creating a mural, adding shutters, or adding lighting are all great options. I personally went with a combination of decorative hardware

Victorville Garage Door & Gates

Victorville, CA, USA
