Encountering a Garage Door Repair Volo IL can be a challenging situation, as these components play a crucial role in the door’s balanced and controlled movement.

Opening a garage door under these circumstances requires careful steps to ensure safety and prevent further damage. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps to manually open a garage door with a broken spring and cable.

1. Assess the Situation: Before attempting to open the garage door, carefully assess the extent of the damage. If both the spring and cable are broken, the door may be unbalanced and challenging to lift. In such cases, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and consider seeking professional assistance.

2. Gather Safety Equipment: a. Protective Gear: Wear safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself from any debris or sharp edges.

b. Assistance: Enlist the help of a friend or family member. Opening a garage door with a broken spring and cable can be physically demanding, and having an extra set of hands enhances safety.

3. Disconnect the Garage Door Opener: If your garage door is equipped with an automatic opener, disconnect it to prevent any attempts to operate the door electrically. This is crucial for safety, as the opener might strain if it tries to lift the unbalanced door.

a. Locate the Emergency Release Cord: Find the emergency release cord hanging from the garage door opener. This cord is usually red and hangs from the trolley.

b. Pull the Emergency Release Cord: Gently pull the emergency release cord down and away from the garage door opener motor. This action disconnects the door from the automatic opener, allowing for manual operation.

4. Secure the Door: a. Use C-Clamps (Optional): If available, use C-clamps to secure the garage door tracks just above the bottom rollers. This prevents the door from accidentally falling during the manual operation.

5. Identify the Broken Spring and Cable: a. Locate the Broken Spring: Torsion springs are typically located above the garage door, while extension springs are positioned on the sides. Identify the broken spring.

b. Identify the Broken Cable: The cables are attached to the bottom brackets on either side of the door. If a cable is broken, it may be hanging loose or visibly damaged.

6. Lift the Door Manually: a. Position Yourself: Stand facing the garage door, with one person on each side if possible.

b. Grasp the Door: With a firm grip, lift the door manually. Be prepared for resistance, as the absence of a functional spring can make the door heavy.

c. Use Your Legs: Lift with your legs, not your back, to avoid strain. The assistance of another person can make this process smoother and safer.

7. Open the Door Gradually: a. Lift Gradually: Lift the door gradually and with control. Avoid sudden movements to prevent any imbalance or further damage.

b. Check for Obstructions: As you lift the door, carefully inspect the tracks for any obstructions. Clear away debris or objects that may impede the door’s movement.

8. Secure the Door in the Open Position: a. Use a Prop or Support: Once the door is open, use a sturdy prop or support, such as a 2×4 piece of wood, to keep it securely in the open position. Place the prop under the door, resting against the horizontal track.

9. Seek Professional Assistance: a. Inspect the Damage: After safely opening the garage door, inspect the extent of the damage to the spring and cable. If both components are broken, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance for repairs.

b. Avoid DIY Spring Repairs: Repairing or replacing garage door springs is a specialized task that should be performed by trained professionals. Attempting to repair or replace springs without the necessary expertise can lead to serious injuries.

10. Preventive Measures: a. Regular Maintenance: Implement a routine maintenance schedule for your garage door. Regular inspections, lubrication of moving parts, and addressing issues promptly can prevent unexpected failures.

b. Consider Upgrading Springs: If your garage door has experienced multiple spring failures, consider upgrading to high-cycle springs. These springs are designed to withstand more cycles, providing increased durability.


Opening a Garage Door Repair Volo IL requires careful consideration of safety measures and a step-by-step approach. While manual operation is possible, seeking professional assistance for spring and cable repairs is strongly recommended to ensure the safety and proper functionality of your garage door. Regular maintenance and potential upgrades to your garage door components contribute to its overall longevity and reliability.

EDM Garage Doors, LLC

596 Richard Brown Blvd, Volo, IL 60073, United States
