Repairing a damaged garage door panel depends on the severity of the damage. If the damage is minor, you may be able to repair it yourself. However, if the damage is extensive, it may be best to hire a professional garage door repair technician.

Here are the steps you can take to repair a damaged garage door panel as stated in Garage Door West Palm Beach FL:

  1. Assess the damage: Inspect the panel to determine the extent of the damage. If the damage is minor, you may be able to repair it yourself. However, if the panel is severely damaged, it may need to be replaced.
  2. Remove the damaged panel: If the panel is severely damaged, you will need to remove it from the door. This can be done by removing the screws or bolts that hold the panel in place.
  3. Straighten the panel: If the panel is only slightly damaged, you may be able to straighten it out using a pair of pliers or a rubber mallet. Be careful not to damage the panel further.
  4. Patch the panel: If the damage is small, you can patch it using an auto body filler. Apply the filler to the damaged area and smooth it out with a putty knife. Allow the filler to dry completely before sanding it down and painting it to match the rest of the door.
  5. Replace the panel: If the panel is severely damaged, you will need to replace it with a new one. You can order a replacement panel from a garage door manufacturer or supplier. Install the new panel using the screws or bolts that held the old panel in place.
  6. Paint the panel: Once the repair is complete, you will need to paint the panel to match the rest of the door. Use a paint that is designed for use on metal surfaces and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Overall, based from Garage Door West Palm Beach FL, it is important to note that repairing a damaged garage door panel can be dangerous and should only be attempted by those with experience in working with garage doors. If you are unsure of your ability to complete the repair, it is best to hire a professional garage door repair technician.

Denzel’s Garage Door of West Palm Beach

700 S Rosemary Ave Ste 100, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
