Here’s my guide on how to rewire garage door sensors, step by step based from Garage Door Bedford TX:

Before I start, I make sure to turn off the power to my garage door opener to avoid any potential electrical hazards. I unplug it from the wall and then locate the sensors on either side of the garage door.

I check the wiring connections between the sensors and the garage door opener unit. The wires are color-coded, with one sensor having a white wire and the other having a black wire. I make sure the wires are connected securely to their respective terminals.

Next, I check the alignment of the sensors. The sensors should be facing each other and be perfectly aligned. If they are misaligned, I adjust them until they are facing each other directly.

If the sensors are aligned and the wiring connections are secure, I use a multimeter to test the continuity of the wiring. I set the multimeter to the “continuity” setting and touch the probes to the wires at each sensor. If the wiring is good, the multimeter should beep to indicate that there is continuity.

If the wiring is bad, I’ll need to rewire the sensors. I start by disconnecting the old wiring from the sensors and the opener unit. I use wire strippers to strip the insulation from the ends of the wires.

I cut a length of new wire to replace the old wiring, making sure to use the same gauge wire that was originally used in the garage door opener.

I connect one end of the new wire to the sensor and the other end to the opener unit, making sure to connect the wires to the appropriate terminals.

I test the garage door sensors to make sure they’re working properly. I stand in front of one of the sensors and wave my hand in front of it. The sensor should detect the motion and cause the garage door to stop closing or start opening. I repeat this test on the other sensor.

If the sensors are working correctly, I cover any exposed wires with wire nuts or electrical tape to protect them from damage.

Finally, I replace the cover on the opener unit and turn the power back on. Now, my garage door sensors are rewired and functioning properly.

Overall, as per Garage Door Bedford TX, although rewiring garage door sensors is a relatively simple task, it’s important to be careful and follow all the steps correctly to avoid causing any electrical problems or sensor malfunctions. If you’re not confident working with electricity, it’s always best to call a professional to help you out.

Bedford Overhead & Garage Door

2200 Airport Fwy Suite 555, Bedford, TX 76022
