Garage Door Repair Livonia MI a crucial role in maintaining energy efficiency, protecting against drafts, and preventing moisture infiltration.

Over time, weather stripping can wear out or become damaged, compromising its effectiveness and necessitating replacement. In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about the cost of replacing weather stripping on a garage door, including factors affecting the cost, types of weather stripping available, installation considerations, and tips for making informed decisions.

Factors Affecting the Cost

Several factors influence the cost of replacing weather stripping on a garage door:

  1. Type and Size of the Door: The size and design of your garage door determine the length and type of weather stripping required. Larger doors or those with unique designs may require more material, resulting in higher replacement costs.
  2. Type of Weather Stripping: Garage doors can utilize various types of weather stripping, including rubber, vinyl, foam, and felt. The type of weather stripping chosen impacts the cost, with higher-quality materials typically commanding a higher price.
  3. Quality of Material: The quality of the weather stripping material affects its durability and performance. Higher-quality materials may have a higher upfront cost but offer better insulation properties and longevity, potentially reducing long-term energy costs.
  4. Labor Costs: If you opt for professional installation, labor costs contribute to the overall expense. Labor rates vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the installation, local labor rates, and the technician’s expertise.

Cost Range of Replacing Weather Stripping on Garage Door

The cost of replacing weather stripping on a garage door varies depending on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of the cost range based on different scenarios:

  1. Rubber Weather Stripping Replacement: $50 to $100
  2. Vinyl Weather Stripping Replacement: $75 to $150
  3. Foam Weather Stripping Replacement: $50 to $100
  4. Felt Weather Stripping Replacement: $50 to $100

Additional Considerations and Costs

In addition to the weather stripping replacement cost, consider the following factors:

  1. Labor Costs: Professional installation typically incurs labor costs ranging from $50 to $150, depending on the complexity of the job and local labor rates.
  2. Additional Materials: Depending on the condition of your garage door, you may require additional materials such as adhesive or fasteners. These additional materials contribute to the overall replacement cost but are essential for proper installation.
  3. DIY vs. Professional Installation: While DIY installation can save money, it’s essential to consider your skill level and the complexity of the job. Improper installation can compromise the effectiveness of the weather stripping and lead to energy loss or water damage.
  4. Maintenance: Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and inspecting the weather stripping, can prolong its lifespan and ensure optimal performance. Incorporating weather stripping maintenance into your routine maintenance schedule can help avoid premature replacement costs.


In summary, the cost of replacing weather stripping on a garage door depends on various factors, including the type of weather stripping, size of the door, quality of the material, and labor costs. By understanding these factors and weighing your options, you can make informed decisions to ensure a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for your garage door.

Brothers Garage Door Service

29522 Wentworth St, Livonia, MI 48154, United States
